Resep mudah Creamy chicken opor (opor ayam) with fiber creme Enak Sederhana

Memasak Creamy chicken opor (opor ayam) with fiber creme mudah, cepat, praktis. Masakan yang biasa kita temui saat Ramadhan ini sering bikin kangen! Nggak perlu nunggu Ramadhan, kali ini Yuda Bustara mau. Masakan yang biasa kita temui saat Ramadhan ini sering bikin kangen Foodies!

Creamy chicken opor (opor ayam) with fiber creme

Opor ayam (chicken cooked in coconut milk) is one of the easiest Indonesian recipes you can try at home, and very delicious.

Opor ayam is very mild compared to many Indonesian dishes.

It has no chilies, making this dish very children friendly.

Hai Bunda, saat ini bunda dapat memasak resep Creamy chicken opor (opor ayam) with fiber creme dengan 16 bahan dan 5 tahapan. Di bawah ini bun cara menyiapkannya, tolong amati baik-baik.

Bahan bahan Creamy chicken opor (opor ayam) with fiber creme

  1. Siapkan 1 ekor : ayam, potong 10 bag.

  2. Dibutuhkan 750 ml : air.

  3. Siapkan 12 sdm : fiber creme.

  4. Dibutuhkan 2 batang : sereh, geprek.

  5. Dibutuhkan 3 lembar : daun salam.

  6. Persiapkan 2 cm : jahe, memarkan.

  7. Dibutuhkan 2 cm : lengkuas, memarkan.

  8. Persiapkan secukupnya : garam dan merica bubuk.

  9. Siapkan 2 sdm : minyak goreng untuk menumis.

  10. Persiapkan : bumbu halus.

  11. Siapkan 10 siung : bamer.

  12. Dibutuhkan 3 siung : baput.

  13. Persiapkan 4 butir : kemiri, sangrai.

  14. Siapkan 2 sdt : ketumbar, sangrai.

  15. Menyiapkan secukupnya : kunyit bubuk.

  16. Persiapkan 1 sdt : jinten (saya ga pakai).

I myself remember how this is one of my favorite dishes.

This luxurious chicken stew from Java is a staple of the Indonesian kitchen, made by simmering the meat in coconut milk with curry paste and lemongrass.

The chef Retno Pratiwi grew up eating the dish on special occasions in West Java, and continues to make it at her pop-up restaurant in Boston.

It's a mild chicken curry style dish that is a fav among kids here.

Step by Step memasak Creamy chicken opor (opor ayam) with fiber creme

  1. Haluskan bumbu, tumis hingga wangi lalu tambahkan sereh salam lengkuas jahe dan garam merica, tes rasa.

  2. Kemudian masukkan ayam, masak sampai ayam setengah matang.

  3. Tuang air dan fibercreme, masak dan aduk rata lalu tambahkan garam merica gula bila perlu.

  4. Aduk rata dan masak hingga cairan meresap ke ayam.

  5. Masak hingga sedikit kental dan sajikan.

My sister-in-law gave me this recipe and it turned out pretty good the first time I tried.

I started to learn how to cook Indonesian food and this one is a keeper.

Opor ayam is an Indonesian chicken dish originating from the central to Eastern parts of the Java islands.

This is usually served to enliven Ramadan in our tradition, along with ketupat and UGC Reviews Modal.

Reviews for: Photos of Opor Ayam (Chicken in Coconut Milk).